$139.00 USD

JAN/FEB 2023 - Medium Development Level Two - 6 Thursday Sessions with Kerry & Phil

** PLEASE Subscribe to the email list so you will get the confirmation email and course reminders.

Time: 11AM Pacific, 12PM Mountain, 1PM Central, 2PM Eastern, 7PM United Kingdom, 8PM Central Europe, 6AM(Friday) Sydney, 8AM(Friday)Auckland 

Join Phil and Kerry on Thursdays January 19, 26, February 2, 9, 16 & 23. 

Are you a student of mediumiumship or a practicing medium wishing to be the best you can be?  Or are you in our Level One and your soul is giving you the nudge to also join this class? Thursdays in 2023 Level Two class is for you!

As a medium, your responsibility is to effectively give a strong voice to those in the spirit world. In our ongoing 6 week classes in 2023, each month you’ll discover new tools and practices along with the foundation of successful mediumship.

Don’t miss learning the ethics and successful practices in your medium readings that will give your mediumship 'the edge' in this highly-enjoyable course with great medium tutors Kerry McLeod & Philip Dykes. You will be required to remain in class for the two hours and take part in practice element of working in pairs. 6 Two Hour Sessions with Video replay of each session yours to keep in your personal student library. 

Thursdays January 19, 26, February 2, 9, 16 & 23 - 11AM Pacific, 12PM Mountain, 1PM Central, 2PM Eastern, 7PM United Kingdom, 8PM Central Europe, 6AM (Friday) Sydney, 8AM (Friday) Auckland


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