The 5 DAY course includes:
Thursday June 4th: 9AM - 4PM Workshop with Scott Milligan will include discovering the altered states - providing healing and supports all forms of communication, whether you are a medium or not. Hearing about mediums of the past and what was achieved when groups of friends came together with no expectations. You will learn about creating home circles and sit in your own power as Scott leads you on journeys into the altered states. Prayer will be discussed and the different ways of allowing the spirit world to find their voice; a voice that may be heard internally, through you or through a form of phenomena. During this fun-filled workshop, the power of the altered states will support you in all aspects of your personal development, wherever it may lead you. You will be given the tools to return home and practice connecting to this limitless power that will lead you back to eternity.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday June 5-7 "Between Two Worlds Course"
* Discover the top evidence that we survive physical death
* Brazilian Researcher Sonia Rinaldi will present her journey and latest trans images
* Explore the past, present and future of Physical Mediumship with Scott Milligan
* Evidential Mediumship demonstrations with Kerry and Philip
* Spirit Art and Mediumship demonstration with Jennifer and Chris
* Trance mediumship demonstration and Q & A with Scott Milligan
* Tap into your own soul power, psychic and healing abilities with Scott, Kerry & Phil
* Be part of our special Sunday Divine Service
* Reconnect with your loved ones who have passed
* Fun and inspiring group activities with new like-minded friends AND SO MUCH MORE at this unique event
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Monday June 8th: 9AM - 4PM Workshop with Kerry and Phil The spirit world can use us in so many different ways when we have an understanding of the mechanics of our psychic and mediumship abilities. This workshop will provide various exercises to connect with the unseen world in a safe learning environment. The essence of the communicator is a vital component within communication with Spirit. This important understanding is to why every communication is unique and different and why there can be no similarities in any demonstration. You will discover Clairsentience, Clairvoyance and Clairaudience abilities. Knowing the full dimensions of these abilities strengthens the communication and brings stronger evidence. This workshop is for the beginner and the experienced alike!
Due to current Coronavirus concerns we offer a FULL REFUND policy if you are not able to join us. Questions about We Don't Die Seattle "Between Two Worlds" course? Email [email protected]