Friday, Saturday, Sunday June 5 - 7, 2010
* Discover the top evidence that we survive physical death
* Brazilian Researcher Sonia Rinaldi will present her journey and latest trans images
* Explore the past, present and future of Physical Mediumship with Scott Milligan
* Evidential Mediumship demonstrations with Kerry and Philip
* Spirit Art and Mediumship demonstration with Jennifer and Chris
* Trance mediumship demonstration and Q & A with Scott Milligan
* Tap into your own soul power, psychic and healing abilities with Scott, Kerry & Phil
* Be part of our special Sunday Divine Service
* Reconnect with your loved ones who have passed
* Fun and inspiring group activities with new like-minded friends AND SO MUCH MORE at this unique event
Due to current Coronavirus concerns we offer a FULL REFUND policy if you are not able to join us. Questions about We Don't Die Seattle "Between Two Worlds" course? Email [email protected]